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Jammin in The Sun: 4 Ways to Help Your Child Become A Guitar God 🎸🎸

Ah, summer is here. The warm weather, kids finishing school, trips to the beach, longer days, and family vacations. Summer can also be a time of tremendous musical growth for your child.  I remember my first summer as a guitarist. I was 15 and I spent the entire summer in Slovakia. I spent countless hours practicing the guitar.  I barely knew anything.  I only had a couple of lessons and only knew a handful of chords. I clumsily played some Nirvana tunes which I had learned from a friend, and some hymns from a church songbook. When I came back from Slovakia, I was a much better guitar player. I had made dramatic progress. I was slowly becoming a guitar god.  πŸ˜‰πŸ€˜πŸ» Here are 4 ways to help your child become a guitar god this summer: 1. Create a Schedule: Numerous studies have shown that the key to success is consistency. The same holds true with practicing the guitar. Setting up a schedule is indispensable to creating an enjoyable, life long habit. Summer days aren’t as structured as sc

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